RegAl LAne
MAine coons
Of RegAl LAne
ZilantShadow Z 'Gek of RegalLane

Mad man is the first stud and foundation male of Regal Lane Maine coons. Mad man came to Washington from Russia on September 14th 2021 after a week long stay with the courier because of postponed flights and a 3 day stay in New York with a customs agent. Surprisingly Mad man adjusted immediately with zero issues, he wanted to explore right away. Mad man was a nickname for Maddox but Mad man fit him better because he always looks grumpy.
He is extremely vocal almost obnoxiously, very laid back, hair ties are the only "toy" he will play with (which he's not allowed to) and he loves hanging out with people and other animals. He will be in the middle of any new situation and wanting to check everything out. Everyone who has met him has fell in love. Like a lot of Maine coons Mad man is extremely friendly but prefers cuddles and pets on his own terms and will come to you when he wants them (which is most of the time). Pictures do not do his size justice because he is an extremely big, muscular male with a large bone structure, long body and tail.
As seen above Madman's DNA is all clear, his hips and elbows are normal and his Echocardiogram is normal.
MAd MAn's PArents:
Credit to ZilantShadow Maine coons